Post Spring Festival Retreat at Heruka KMC
Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani Retreat
29 - 31 May, 2020
With Resident Teacher, Kadam John McBretney
Kadam John McBretney is the Resident Teacher of Heruka Kadampa Meditation Centre. He has studied and practised Kadampa Buddhism for many years under the guidance of his Spiritual Teacher, the fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
The Power of Compassion
Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani
Live streamed Retreat: 29 - 31 May
This guided retreat will include practical meditations that are powerful and life-changing. During the retreat we will train in great compassion and spiritual power in conjunction with the Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani following the practices given during the International Kadampa Spring Festival, May 2020.
The contemplations and meditations will lead us to states of mind that give tremendous energy, peace and joy, enabling us to solve our daily life problems. Eventually, as our experience of compassion grows into universal compassion for all living beings, our compassion will draw us all to the supreme happiness of enlightenment.
The practice is short, profound and very powerful. Everyone is welcome.
On this retreat we will be using ‘The Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani’. You can order or download a copy of this booklet from the Tharpa website.
Friday 29 May
Introduction: 7-8.30pm
Saturday 30 May
Session 1: 10-11am
Session 2: 12-1pm
Session 3: 3.30-4.30pm
Session 4: 7-8.15pm
Sunday 31 May
Session 5: 10-11am
Session 6: 12-1pm
Session 7: 3.30-4.30pm
Session 8: 7-8.15pm
Free for Members and Livestream subscribers